2024 challenges
The Big Rail Diversity Challenge
Pens at the ready
And they're off!
Good luck and let's paint!
Volleyball with a twist!
Build it. Pack it. Move it.
Vardy, eat ya heart out! Let’s do this!
Are your team runway ready?
It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, it’s what you do with your dancin’ shoes!’
Will your team fill the blanks - or will Mr Chips leave you puzzled?
The ultimate bucket list experience!
Which team will perform the best Haka?
They think it's all over... it is now!
They're hungry, hungry hippos!
He's a man of mystery, wah-ooh
Slapstick makes a comeback on the Big Rail Knocked Out! course. - Sponsored by Intersoft
Will you be the last to be wiped out?
A build-and-race battle!
One giant leap for all kinds!
Would your new shelter survive the storm?
The Space Hoppers are back!
Emergency... Emergency!
Ship to shore, do you read me anymore?'
Name that tune!
The Space Hoppers are back!
The category is…
And so, it all comes together…'
Left, Right, Stay Together!
Ready Steady Draw, Mime, Model!