NSAR was established in 2010 by the rail industry as a non-for-profit membership organisation. We have an expert team of consultants that support our membership organisations and clients on a range of projects across the rail industry and other sectors.

NSAR’s vision is for a modern, efficient, world class railway service across the UK – and one with an equal and diverse workforce that increases upwards social mobility, resulting in a positive impact on society. Our mission is to enable businesses to acquire and maintain the workforce they need to successfully deliver this vision of the railway service. Our services include workforce planning and development solutions, training programme quality assurance, apprenticeship services and membership services.

NSAR coordinates industry efforts to attract and promote new and diverse talent to enable the rail industry to be competitively positioned with other industries. In collaboration with our members, universities, colleges and training providers we support a modern qualification framework and apprenticeship programmes that increase competency across the industry. We support trainers and ensure the quality of training provision is of a high standard.

Our data and intelligence help the industry make informed decisions and targeted investments in workforce planning. Our brokerage role enables the industry to match skills and workforce demand to training and education supply for both upskilling and apprentices. This supports rail companies to deliver a more efficient railway by having the right people at the right time in the right place.

In a rapidly changing skills landscape we act as a coordinated and powerful voice, on behalf of the industry, to influence government policy and planning, and safeguard the rail industry’s interest.

For the DfT STAR Framework, we have qualified as an EXPERT Grade Category B Supplier, along with Candour Consultancy, Schofield Lothian, Xanta and Parsons Group International.

  • NSAR is delighted to be involved in “Women in Rail: Big Rail Diversity Challenge” and coordinate industry efforts in attracting and promoting new talent to enable the rail sector to be competitively positioned with other industries.

    We are committed to diversity, equality and inclusion and aim to transform rail into a sector where each individual is able to succeed based on their dreams, skills and talent.