Our Headline Sponsor will receive the most prestigious promotional elements of The Big Rail Diversity Challenge and the highest-level visibility, service and support from the event management team.

As a Headline Sponsor, your corporate identity will receive prominence on all literature associated with the event.

Your company will receive unsurpassed recognition by our attendees as the Headline Sponsor, with continuous brand exposure during the build-up to the event and beyond.

There can only be one Headline Sponsor.

Headline Sponsorship Benefits


  • Lead positioning of your corporate identity within the extensive publicity programme
  • Dedicated page on the Sponsors section of the official event website with URL link to your company website
  • Social media promotional feeds
  • License to use the “The Big Rail Diversity Challenge Headline Sponsor” logo


Premium branding during the event to include:

  • Headline logo placement on the programme
  • Premium positioned full-page advertisement within the event programme
  • Premium position of your corporate identity on the Sponsors Wall for team photos
  • Premium position of your corporate identity on sponsor appreciation signage throughout the event
  • Four (4) 4.5m promotional Quill Flags supplied, positioned at the entrance of registration and challenge areas
  • A senior company representative invited to make a welcome address
  • A senior company representative invited to judge and present the ‘Best Team Name Award’ at the event’s closing ceremony
  • Recognition from the stage during the event, thanking you for your support
  • Up to six (6) pop-ups or similar displayed within the venue (to be supplied)
  • Company literature included within delegate packs (to be supplied)
  • All attendees will be gifted a branded water bottle to include Headline Sponsor’s corporate identity*
  • All teams will be provided with a branded event t-shirt to include the Headline Sponsor’s corporate identity in prominent position on the t-shirt


  • Corporate Identity promoted across The Big Rail Diversity Challenge website with a link to your website for a full year!
  • Recognition in all press releases to trade media
  • Event photography provided

Headline Sponsor: £7,200.00 + VAT


Our standard payment term of 30 days from invoice applies to all sponsorship, team and spectator ticket bookings.

Sponsorship Payment Extensions are available, however, we will require a non-refundable 50% deposit to commence delivery of the benefits and promotion of your company’s support of the event.

*Subject to the Headline Sponsor providing a monochrome version of their corporate identity.

To discuss your requirements please call a member of our dedicated events team:
T: +44 (0) 1780 432930 | E: info@bigraildiversity.co.uk