Founded in 1999 and headquartered in London, GB Railfreight is the third largest rail freight operator in the United Kingdom, with a turnover expected to exceed £225 million in 2021. GB Railfreight is one of the fastest growing companies in the railway sector and transports goods for a wide range of customers.
GB Railfreight
At GB Railfreight, we strive to create an inclusive workplace that understands the value that our people bring to the company.
We have long pushed for greater diversity and inclusivity within the railway. We are dedicated to seeking and attracting diverse talent that will shape the rail industry for the next fifty years and beyond. Our efforts to attract more diversity as a business have included: reviewing our flexible working practices; provision of an ILM leadership programme to prepare future leaders for our business – with half of attendees being female; increasing the number of female Train Drivers we have hired over the past two years; targeted recruitment campaigns and career days for apprentices and Military forces; and the development of new pilot initiatives to attract more women into the industry.
We are also launching a People and Culture committee which will be represented by Inclusion Ambassadors across the business. The committee will promote inclusivity in the workplace where diverse thinking is encouraged, and all our people empowered to achieve their potential.
Redressing the gender balance will only increase the value of our sector, and GBRf are dedicated to continuing this work to support communities and be the continued a leader in the industry.